All Deposit Rates
Current as of March 1, 2025
Promotional Money Market Accounts
Guaranteed Money Market Ultra Account | $2,500+ balance
Guaranteed Money Market Ultra Account | $0 – $2,499 balance
Promotional Share Certificates | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $500+
7 Months
13 - 16 Months
17 - 20 Months
21 - 30 Months
36 Month Flex
Promotional Share Certificates | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $10,000+
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
Promotional Share Certificates | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $100+
Veterans Family Fund | 6 Months
Savings Accounts | Market Saver*
$0 - $2,499.99
Savings Accounts | Money Market
$0 - $4,999.99
$5,000 - $14,999.99
$15,000 - $24,999.99
$25,000 - $49,999.99
$50,000 - $99,999.99
$100,000 - $149,999.99
$150,000 - $249,999.99
$250,000 - $499,999.99
$500,000 - $999,999.99
Checking Accounts | Affinity Premier Checking†*
$0.00 - $4,999.99
$5,000.00 -$14,999.99
$15,000.00 - $24,999.99
$25,000.00 - $34,999.99
Checking Accounts | Affinity Plus Checking†*
$0 - $25,000
Checking Accounts | Affinity Basic Checking‡‡*
$0 - $1,000
$1,000.01 - $15,000
Savings Accounts
Regular Share
Performance Saver*
Performance Saver (without $10 monthly deposit)*
IRA Savings*
Coverdell ESA*
Roth IRA Savings*
Teen Savings*
Tree Fort Club*
Health Savings*
Christmas Club*
Share Certificates - FLEX* | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $500 - $24,999.99
3 - 12 Month
13 - 23 Month
24 - 47 Month
48+ Month
Share Certificates - STANDARD | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $500 - $24,999.99
3 - 12 Month
13 - 23 Month
24 - 47 Month
48+ Month
IRA Share Certificates | Opening & Min. Balance Req. $1,000
12 Month
18 Month
23 Month
33 Month
48 Month
Share Account Service Fees
Minimum Balance – In the event the primary share balance falls below the minimum of $25.00 requirement at any time during the month, a fee will be assessed upon the account reactivation. $10.00
Account fees may reduce earnings.
Share Draft (Checking) Account Service Fees
- Affinity Plus Checking Monthly Service Charge. $7.00
- Opportunity Checking Monthly Service Charge without Direct Deposit. $10.95
- Opportunity Checking Monthly Service Charge when you have Direct Deposit of your entire payroll, pension, or social security check (at least $500 per month) to your checking account. $8.95
- Community Checking Monthly Service Charge. Available through Certified Counseling Agencies. $3.99
- Returned Item Fee – All Checking Account Programs. $30.00
- Overdraft Fee. Per occurrence. Created by check, in-person withdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or other electronic means. $30.00
- Transfer Fee. From any share account to cover an overdraft. $5.00
- Checking Account Re-Open Fee. Re-opening a previously active checking account. $10.00
- Checking Account Closure Fee. With outstanding items. $5.00
- Checking Account Closure Fee. Initiated by Credit Union. $25.00
- Stop payment Fee. Per Order. Valid for 6 months or until canceled. $25.00
- Check Orders. Price varies
- Temporary Check Fee. Per sheet (or every 4 checks). First sheet on a new share draft account is free. $5.00
Account fees may reduce earnings.
Electronic Service Fees
- Debit/Check Card Replacement Fee. $5.00
- Debit/Check Card Replacement. (Member Request – rush status) $50.00
- Non-Credit Union Owned ATM Withdrawal Fee. Per withdrawal. Affinity Checking, Opportunity Checking and Teen Checking members receive 10 free monthly. $1.00
- Non-Credit Union Owned ATM Withdrawal Fee. Per withdrawal. Share/Savings Account and Business Checking. $1.00
- Returned Item Fee. Per occurrence. $30.00
- ACH Revocation Fee. Permanently stop an ACH pre-authorized item. $25.00
- ACH and Bill Payment One Time Stop Payment Fee. $25.00
- Money Wire Service. Outgoing – Financial Institution to Financial Institution. $20.00
- Paper Statement Fee. Per statement cycle. $3.00
- Paper Statement Fee. Per statement cycle. Community Checking Only. $2.00
Account fees may reduce earnings.
Other Service Fees
- Car Fax. Per report. $20.00
- Account Reconciliation/Research Fee. $25.00 per hour. $25.00
- Credit Union Check Purchase Fee. Fee waived if payable to member only, or if issued for $1,000.00 or more. $5.00
- Non-Member Credit Union Check Purchase Fee. $3,000 Maximum. Cash Purchase Only. $10.00
- Money Order Purchase Fee. Money Order valid for 3 months. $3.00
- Credit Union/Money Order Stop Payment Fee. Valid for 6 months or until canceled per order. $25.00
- Dormant Account Fee. Monthly fee on dormant accounts; no account activity for over 1 year. $15.00
- Account Ownership Modification Fee. Per occurrence. $20.00
- Loan Modification Fee. Per occurrence. $25.00
- Skip-A-Payment Fee. $30.00
- Legal Action Fee. Processing for garnishments, levies and all other legal actions served. Per item. $50.00
- Returned Mail Fee. Per month. $9.95
- Facsimile (fax). Per page, local. $1.00
- Locator Fee. Research work for locating membership. Per occurrence. $15.00
- Notary Fee. (Fee $10 for Non-Members per sealed page) No Fee
- Pay by Phone Fee. $15.00
- Loan Pay – Online Services (not bill pay) $10.00
- Loan Pay (recurring) $5.00
- Safe Deposit Box Fees. Various sizes. Price varies
- Custom Image Debit/Credit Card. $15.00
- Coin Machine Fees. Waived for Tree Fort 15% Service Charge
- Account Closed within 3 months of opening. $15.00
- ID Safe Choice. Per month. (Optional Protection) $3.95
Account fees may reduce earnings.
Consumer Account Disclosure: The terms applicable to your Deposit Accounts at ACU are provided in a separate Truth–in-Savings Disclosure. Fees may reduce earnings. See Fee Schedule. The Annual Percentage Yield on Share Certificates assumes dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. A penalty of up to 90 days of dividends may be imposed for early withdrawal on Share Certificates and Performance Saver Accounts and will affect earnings on the account. You must be an ACU member to qualify.
† Account receives identity theft coverage, cell phone repair coverage, 10 cents cash back for every debit card purchase over $5.00, and ATM fee reimbursement up to $10.00 per month. To earn dividends, receive ATM fee reimbursement, and 10 cents cash back, you must have eStatements, 15 POS transactions of at least $5.00 post and settle during the monthly statement period, and log into ACU Online or ACU Mobile App at least once per month.
†† The Index is the 2 year US Treasury Bill published on the 25th day of the month. The minimum dividend rate will never be less than the Performance Saver minimum dividend rate.
‡ Account is no longer available for certificates opened or renewed after 9/30/2017.
‡‡ To earn dividends you must have $15,000 in combined loans or deposits, direct deposit of at least $500 per month, eStatements, and 10 POS transactions post and settle during the monthly statement period.
* Rates may change after account opening.