All Lending Rates
Current as of February 1, 2025
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New & Used Auto Loans
0 - 36 Months
37 - 48 Months
49 - 60 Months
61 - 72 Months
73 - 84 months
Vehicle Loan Rate Discounts
0.50% for Active-Duty Military, Military Veterans, and First-Responders
0.25% for Debt Protection
0.50% for external ACH payment or ACU autopay without direct deposit.
0.75% for autopay from ACU account with direct deposit equal to, or greater than, loan payment
Max aggregate discount allowed = 1.25%
First Time Buyer Program
0 - 60 Months
61 - 72 Months
Vehicle Loan Rate Discounts
0.50% for Active-Duty Military, Military Veterans, and First-Responders
0.25% for Debt Protection
0.50% for external ACH payment or ACU autopay without direct deposit.
0.75% for autopay from ACU account with direct deposit equal to, or greater than, loan payment
Max aggregate discount allowed = 1.25%
Recreational Vehicle Loans (Motorhomes, Boats, Travel Trailers, Etc)
0 - 60 Months
61 - 84 Months
85 - 120 Months
121 - 144 Months
145 - 180 Months
Motorcycle Loans
0 - 36 Months
37 - 48 Months
49 - 60 Months
61 - 72 Months
73 - 84 Months
Personal Loans
0 - 24 Months
25 - 36 Months
37 - 48 Months
49 - 60 Months
61 - 72 Months
73 - 84 Months
Secured Loans
0 - 120 Months Max
0 - 120 Months
Visa Platinum
APR | 9.54 – 18.00%
Based on creditworthiness when you open your account. APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
APR for Balance Transfers | 1.54% Introductory APR for 180 days
Visa Platinum Rewards
APR for Purchases | 10.54 – 18.00%
Based on creditworthiness when you open your account. APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate.
Visa Green Rewards
APR | 15.99% fixed annual percentage rate.
APR for Balance Transfers | 11.99% Fixed